A 3 day long In-house training on “Income tax, VAT and Customs” was given to the employee of Grameen Telecom Trust (GTT) at the Social Business Learning Centre (SBLC) of GTT. Twenty-Two (22) nominated participants from Six (6) departments based on their field of work participated in this program which was held on 20th, 22nd and 23rd November, 2016. The training was divided into three modules: “Income and Corporate Tax” conducted by Mr. Fakhrul Islam (AGM, Finance and Accounts, Grameen Telecom Trust) and Mr. Forhad Karim Khan (Senior Manager, Internal Audit, Grameen Telecom Trust), “VAT” conducted by Mr. Forhad Karim Khan (Senior Manager, Internal Audit, Grameen Telecom Trust) and “LC and Customs” conducted by Mr. Md. Maniruzzam (Manager, Admin and Supply Chain, Grameen Telecom Trust). The training was held to enhance the knowledge of the employee working in their respective departments.
Afterwards a written exam was also taken to test the understanding of the employee regarding the training.