A group of employees of Grameen Telecom Trust (GTT) and its Social Business (SB) partners, led by its Managing Director Engr. Md. Ashraful Hassan, participated in 9th Social Business Day 2019, an annual two-day conference organized by the Yunus Centre, held in Bangkok, Thailand on June 28-29, 2019. There were a number of events including plenaries, panel discussions, keynote speeches, pecha kuchas etc. Mr. Hassan joined the Plenary session of ‘Environment: Green Energy, Plastic, Agriculture, Deforestation’ and made his valuable comments on how SB can address environmental disorders. Two of GTT’s Nobin Udyoktas (NU or New Entrepreneur) Ms. Eti Begum and Mr. Imran Hossain shared their journey to become entrepreneurs in the event and Mr. Arifuzzaman, Unit Incharge, Dinajpur, NU program, GTT shared his experience of conducting such a growing entrepreneurship development program.