
What Are We Doing?


Nobin Udyoktas

We have helped 6000 Nobin Udyoktas (entrepreneurs) since 2016.


Entrepreneours Monthly

We empower 400 entrepreneurs a month


Operating Region

Operating in 10 region and expanding good.

We are not job seekers, we are job givers!

Turning youth unemployment into entrepreneurship

Access for Entrepreneurs (Screening Exercise)

The Screening Exercise is the first stage of Nobin Udyokta-NU (New Entrepreneur) Program of GTT that scouts young and aspiring entrepreneurs who are children of Grameen Bank borrowers. GTT not only provides investment but also supports the NUs with financial literacy. It’s a day-long group interactive exercise aiming to explain the details of the Nobin Udyokta Program (NUP). It also aims to spread the message of the objectives of GTT and the idea of social business among aspiring entrepreneurs, followed by group discussions and question-answer session

Orientation & Exercises for Entrepreneurs

Our unit officers do sessions for Nobin Udyoktas (entrepreneurs) to understand how to be a part of the Nobin Udyokta program. How be a part of nobin udyokta program and how to turn youth employment into entrepreneuship, how to be a job giver instead of a job seeker. Creating employment for other. Informing about compliance issue on daily sms reporting. Ownership transfer fee* Followed up by exercises to help Nobin Udyoka for BP preparation.

Preparation for Nobin Udyokta, Entrepreneurs

Nobin Udyokta's are then helped to created Business plan for their business as a preparation to present their business to investors. **** SWOT ANALYSIS, KYC *** Nobin Udyokta's then meet with a investment comittee and present their business to raise funds. There are two types of sessions: 1. Weekly In-House 2. Open Design Lab, once a month with Dr. Younus chairing the Investment Committee. This is a great exercise for entrepreneurs to validate their plan.

Incubation/Agreement/Partnership (Hand-holding journey of togetherness starts)

Incubation/Agreement/Partnership (Hand-holding journey of togetherness starts). After a partnership is established. NU's are then responsible or in charge to run the day to day operations of the business.


Incubation/Agreement/Partnership (Hand-holding journey of togetherness starts). After a partnership is established. NU's are then responsible or in charge to run the day to day operations of the business.

Financial Management Training & Regularatory

Financial Managment Training & Regulatory affairs. Help NU's