Aleya Begum was an average homemaker. With passing days, it was difficult to run the household with two children and limited income of her husband. With the help of her mother she set up a shop of cosmetics in the women’s market in Mithapukur in 2007, with only 50 thousand taka. Initially, her in-laws and many others didn’t like the idea of her running a business, but she continued amidst all taunts and obstacles.
Gradually her business grew and it kept becoming difficult for her to run her business due to lack of capital. At that time, she came to know about the Nobin Udoyokta investment program of GTT through another Nobin Udyokta. In 2014 she received an investment of 1,50,000 taka from GTT. This add to her personal capital of 1,40,000 taka, helping her fuel her business.
After the new investment, her hard work and dedication took her to new heights of success. She was soon able to then appoint her first employee. In 2015 her capital grew into 4,20,000 taka. As the earnings from business kept growing, she started providing better education for children.
Her in-laws and people from her community now have a changed their perception towards her and now praise her. She dreams is to be a greater business woman. She is sincere in meeting all the conditions of the investment, such as- sending SMS and monthly report regularly. She paid the investment amount back and has now re-applied for new investment and GTT invested has 1,80,000 with her to help her grow her business further.