
Strategies for Scaling Up Social Business Impact on Sustainable Living: A case Study on SBLIF

The nature of the research question and the need to explore different business strategies for sustainable impact on livelihood.


Social business, social purpose driven business, is attracting worldwide attention for its impact on sustainable living. In order to reduce poverty, inequality, unemployment and negative environmental impact, contribution of social business is insignificant. But to create more impact on sustainable livelihood, scaling up the social business organization itself is mandatory. Therefore, this study attempted to explore what scaling up strategies are usually taken by the social business firms in order to create more impact on sustainable living. Qualitative research design was found suitable for this study. And case study method was applied through pursuing face-to-face interview. Seven social business learning and innovation (SBLIF) projects of Grameen Telecom Trust (GTT) have been selected purposively for the analysis. Findings get evidence of organic growth, collaboration and dissemination strategies to create impact over sustainable living.