On Monday, 03 April 2017, a meeting was held between Grameen Telecom Trust (GTT) led by Ms. Parveen Mahmud, FCA (Managing Director, Grameen Telecom Trust) and PUM Netherlands senior experts led by Johan van den Berg (Country Coordinator, Nepal & Bangladesh, PUM Netherlands senior experts) and Ms. Murielle Klier van der Pol (Project Officer, Nepal & Bangladesh, Program Coordinator, Educational Projects, PUM Netherlands senior experts) at GTT. PUM Netherlands senior experts is a volunteer organization advising businesses in developing countries and emerging markets. The meeting was facilitated through MIDAS (Micro Industries Development Assistance and Services). The managing director of MIDAS, Dr. A.S.M. Mashi-ur-Rahman, was present.
The meeting focused on enhancing digital marketing (e-commerce) of Grameen Poshra- an initiative of GTT to facilitate market linkage for the products of Nobin Udyokta (NU-New Entrepreneur), producers under Social Business and Learning Fund (SBLIF) and marginalized producers. It also focused on enhancing and promoting rural handicrafts and artisans. The meeting started with warm greetings from Ms. Parveen Mahmud and a short presentation on GTT’s program by Mr. Jayanta Kumer Bosu (Team Leader, Social Business, GTT).
Mr. Sultan Ahmed Bhuiyan (CFO & Board Secretary, GTT), Mr. Manjur Ahmed (Head of HR & Admin, GTT), Ms. Moreom Sultana (In-Charge, Grameen Poshra, GTT), Ms. Angela Malakar (Coordinator, Value Chain Development, GTT) and Ms. Tasnim Naz (Officer, Social Business and Communication, GTT) were also present during the meeting.