The program titled, Nobin Udyokta (Entrepreneurship Development) strives to engage children of Grameen Bank Borrowers within the age group 18 to 35 in various business activities such that they are able to create employment opportunities for others instead of looking for employment for themselves.
The very first drive to ascertain this group of young entrepreneurs was launched on July 2, 2013 in Comilla. A ‘Screening Lab’ was held at the Bangladesh Academy of Rural Development (BARD) involving 28 participants who came from various areas in which Grameen Bank branches are situated in the Comilla Zone. Senior representatives from Grameen Telecom Trust participated in the first screening lab.
The day long exercise included briefing, discussion and break away sessions. The primary objective was to undertake a comprehensive communication of the program and create awareness in this regard. At least four to six entrepreneurs and their business plans were assessed to have positive prospects for investment. They are schedule to present their business plans in person in the upcoming Social Business Design Labs.