The Twenty-Seventh (27) Nobin Udyokta Screening Exercise of Grameen Telecom Trust (GTT) was held with Twenty-One (21) participants on Saturday, 20 May 2017, at the market place of Dhamurhat Upazilla in Naogaon District of Bangladesh. The day-long exercise was the first Screening Exercise under the Nazipur unit office GTT that included briefing, discussion and break away sessions which were conducted by Md. Mahbubur Rahman Bhuiyan (Panel Officer, Grameen Telecom Trust), Md. Sohidullah (Area Manager, Grameen Telecom Trust) and other field officers of GTT.
The Twenty-Eight (28) Nobin Udyokta Screening Exercise of Grameen Telecom Trust (GTT) was held with Thirty-Two (32) participants on Monday, 22 May 2017, at the Baroghariya market place in Chapai Nawabganj Sadar under Naogaon District. This was the first Screening Exercise in Chapai Nawabganj Sadar unit office of GTT conducted by Md. Mahbubur Rahman Bhuiyan (Panel Officer, Grameen Telecom Trust) and unit in-charge of Rohanpur unit office and Shibganj Unit office.
The Screening Exercise is the first stage of Nobin Udyokta-NU (New Entrepreneur) Program of GTT that scouts young and aspiring entrepreneurs who are children of Grameen Bank borrowers. GTT not only provides investment but also supports the NUs with financial literacy. It’s a day-long group interactive exercise aiming to explain the details of the Nobin Udyokta Program (NUP). It also aims to spread the message of the objectives of GTT and the idea of social business among aspiring entrepreneurs, followed by group discussions and question-answer session.