Grameen Telecom Trust (GTT) organized its 21st Screening Exercise in Cox’s Bazar with sixty-five (65) participants. This was the first Screening Exercise held in Cox’s Bazar as GTT looks forward to start its operations there. It was held on 28 December, 2016 at Jilongja Union Council Hall Room. The event was conducted by the team of Social Business of GTT, chaired by Mr. K.M. Saleheen (Coordinator, Social Business, Grameen Telecom Trust) and supported by Mr. Shymal Mitra (Coordinator, Social Business, Grameen Telecom Trust) and Mr. Anupam Chakraborty (Field officer, Grameen Telecom Trust).
Screening Exercise Lab is the first stage of indentifying Nobin Udyokta-NU (New Entrepreneur). It’s a day long group interactive exercise aiming to explain the details of the Nobin Udyokta Program (NUP), spread the message of the objectives of GTT and the idea of social business among aspiring entrepreneurs, followed by group discussions and question-
answer session.