
Honey Processing Social Business Project

GTT and BASA have created Honey Processing Social Business Project to have quality production and market linkage of pure local honey. The aim of this project is to produce locally hygienic honey which would be sold all over Bangladesh and global market.

Grameen Telecom Trust (GTT) signed a Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) with Bangladesh Association for Social Advancement (BASA, an NGO) in February 2016.

Grameen Telecom Trust (GTT) in collaboration with BASA has agreed to introduce a new social business initiative, ‘Honey Processing Social Business” which is related to quality production and market linkage of pure local honey.

The aim of this project is to locally produce hygienic honey which will be sold all over Bangladesh and globally in future. The target is to ensure availability of pure local honey and capture the market already dominated by foreign brands, improve bee-culture, pollination & training of bee-keeping communities & quality honey collection method.

The project will also assist in employment generation of marginal community & bee pollination will help the farmers to get enhanced crops, fruits and vegetable production.